Sunday 27 November 2011

Zinger from the Colour by T.B.N Flouro Collection

Not a colour I would have in a fluoro collection, but oh well. I have serious mixed feelings about this polish.

On the plus side, it is opaque in two coats, has a great wide brush, and applies like a dream. It cleans up very easily too, because there is very little mess! And I adore the semi-matte finish <3

However, this polish is SO THICK. Seriously thick. Luckily, it’s not a colour I see myself using a lot, so it’s not that much of a problem. Its got a rather strong smell too…

So yeah, undecided on this one, but I’m about to pimp it with what should be an awesome design!

PS. Please excuse the huge scratches on my hand, the cat wasn’t feeling friendly last night, and again, excuse the dog in the background, she wants to barge in on my photos haha

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